© Heidelberg Marketing / Achim Mende

The Burgenstraße Route

Short facts

  • start: Barockschloss Mannheim
  • destination: Bayreuth
  • medium
  • 936,08 km
  • 2 days 17 hours 56 minutes
  • 7436 m
  • 577 m
  • 88 m
  • 80 / 100
  • 60 / 100

best season

Mannheim – Heidelberg – Heilbronn – Nuremberg – Bayreuth

The Burgenstrasse vacation route stretches from Mannheim to Bayreuth. The bike path is mostly asphalted and quiet in Baden-Württemberg. As the name suggests, you cycle past numerous castles and palaces on this bike route. The starting point is Mannheim Castle. The route then continues to Schwetzingen to the electoral summer residence, Schwetzingen Castle with a large park. The next stage is the romantic Heidelberg with one of the most famous castle ruins in the world, the Heidelberg Castle. From here to shortly after Heilbronn, the Burgenstrasse Cycle Path runs parallel to the Neckar Valley Cycle Path. After that, it continues via Nuremberg and Bamberg to Bayreuth.


General information

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