In 112 Tagen

EMBL Science and Society Conference 'In science we trust?'

We live in an era characterised by dazzling scientific and technological progress on an unprecedented scale. From the application of new gene editing techniques, pioneering stem cell research, or rapid vaccine development to emerging technologies such as AI or organoid research, advances in life sciences offer a myriad of potential benefits to society.

However, these scientific endeavours exist against a backdrop of misinformation and disinformation in the scientific arena, which have the potential to cast a shadow on the public perception of science. From attitudes surrounding scientific issues in the pandemic, highly publicised cases of scientific fraud and misconduct, or ethical issues in research which may cross into the realms of science fiction, the issue of societal trust in science is never far from the public consciousness.

How have scientific developments over the past 100 years shaped the public view of science, what responsibility do scientists have towards society, and what does the future hold for the indivisible relationship that exists between science and society? This conference will analyse the importance of public trust in science in a ‘post-truth’ society, from public involvement in science to implications on funding and resource allocation, and the political consequences of losing societal trust and buy-in. Above all, it will ask what role we can all play in shaping the future path of increased societal trust in science.

Abstract submission: 17 Mar 2025

Registration: 5 May 2025

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EMBL Advanced Training Centre
69117 Heidelberg

Tel.: 06221 387 8443
Fax: 06221 387 8525

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