In 12 Tagen

Holi – the Festival of Colors: Celebtrating diversity and unity

Holi, the vibrant Indian festival of colors, is more than just a celebration—it is a symbol of unity, inclusivity, and the joy of embracing diversity. Rooted in ancient traditions, Holi breaks down barriers of caste, creed, and culture, uniting people from all walks of life in a shared celebration of humanity. This year, Heidelberg Holi proudly joins the „International Weeks Against Racism“ to amplify the message
of equality and solidarity. Through music, colors, and shared experiences, we aim to foster harmony and take a stand against discrimination. Come and be part of an unforgettable day filled with live music and dance performances, delicious Indian cuisine, engaging games, a lively DJ session, and most importantly, unlimited play with vibrant, safe, and eco-friendly colors!

Entrance fee is starting from 22 euros. Registration via mail to

More information: 

Organizer: STEMAZE UG under the brand name „LIVE IN Heidelberg“

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Hauptstraße 235
69117 Heidelberg


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